Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Dead Poets And Dreams Of Love

I really, really like him. I was worried that maybe my thoughts of him were sparked purely on my need of love and affection - a rebound of sorts. However, I keep thinking 'what if he goes and when I think of him, it's tainted with regret because of the love I could have pursued and the relationship that we may both have needed?'

I'm so, very confused. I persistently want to talk to him. He is frequently in my dreams. I can not express how much I think of him. I've reverted back to my younger days.

   Stealing Hats
Tickles and Giggles
 Prods and Pats

   Butterflies And The Shakes
That Leave You High As A Kite
Forgetting Previous Heart Breaks
   Teasing, Flirting, Play Fights

Feeling Like Nothing Can Compare
      To The Curls In His Hair
  And The Grin Upon His Lips
Butterflies Now Burst And Nip

     Taking Shelter From The Storm
Your Arms a Haven - Safe And Warm.

Written by me (TM)

Fear still drives me on but I think I may have to follow my heart on this one. I'm just worried about what will happen if I do and then July comes and he leaves my life forever. Whichever path I take, I know that it will hurt me a lot when he leaves because he has become such a big part of my life. He will be the one that changed my life during one of the hardest years I've ever experienced, but to him, I'll only be a footnote from the time he came to Brighton. A small, misshapen memory.
Ta-rah... CBC ^^ xxx

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